- This is Maya Aripirala. I am a Freelance Trainer & Career Guidance Counselor. I am an officially certified Master Trainer & Facilitator, Master Behavioral Skills Trainer, Psychometric Test Professional & Executive Life Coach/Mentor certified in Learning & Development though I was originally a teacher with a research degree (M.Phil) in Political Science. I taught Political Science for 15 years at college level before moving to Google and working as a Product Training Specialist in my area of expertise – Google AdWords – for five years. I later worked in companies such as BIPSUM Software Solutions where I managed the Content Publishing Team & headed the PPC accounts division (SEM), Vivekin Group where I was involved in the development & marketing of Leadership Intelligences framework & workshops, PAGE – where I was responsible for marketing & managing integrated courses that trained students to qualify in various national level entrance examinations and also managed & ran a Career Guidance program for schools Read more...