Live Training
It was a great experience and opportunity to share my thoughts to crowd out there. On the most needed topic like, Social Media and My Responsibility. I hope people will get educated by this session also create awareness on the same amongst their dear ones. Kudos to the efforts put by Manish and Team in making all the arrangements. It was a wonderful platform to share.
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#empathy #compassion #mindfulness #focus (2) Acceptance (2) Awareness (10) Behavior (4) Blogging (3) Children (4) Coaching (3) communication (10) corporate world (7) Empathy (2) employee (13) Employee engagement (3) Employee Wellness (3) employer (8) Focus (8) Focus (6) Happiness (3) interpersonal skills (4) Knowledge (6) leadership (3) management (3) Manish Bhatia (15) Mind (4) Mindful (3) Mindfulness (9) Mindfulness (14) Mindful Parenting (4) Mind to Focus (3) MindtoFocus (2) Organization (19) Parenting (5) Performance (3) Personal Development (3) Personality Development (2) POSH (3) Positivity (9) sales (3) Self development (4) Sexual Harassment at Workplace (2) Storytelling (4) Stress (7) Teamwork (9) Training (11) Women (3) Workshop (3)